Monday, February 15, 2010

Four Month Check-Up

Height: 25 inches (77% percentile)
Weight: 14 pounds, 4 ounces (65% percentile)

During our visit with Dr. Riordan (he is the BEST pediatrican ever) we got the green light to start solids so we'll start some rice cereal in a few weeks. He also said her rash was heat rash - only Livia would get heat rash when it was 2 degrees with the wind-chill today! She's such a healthy little baby which is wonderful! He'd admitted two kids to the hospital with pneumonia today and worked on one in the office so we're just thankful Liv wasn't one of them. Dr. R told us she was teething, which we already knew and he said she looked so alert and we've been saying that since the beginning. She was a brave baby during her shots, one oral and three in the chubby thighs; she didn't cry when the first needle went in but when the nurse pushed the actual vaccine in the tears started. She really didn't cry too long and was rewarded with a new shirt and socks from babyGap when she was finished. We go back in a month to have one more vaccine (somehow we fell behind) and then she'll have more at her six month visit. Dr. Riordan did say we have to break her of sleeping in the carseat in the new two months; her reflux hasn't been flaring up lately so we'll work on that soon. We're so lucky to have such a healthy, smart, strong and pretty little baby.

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