Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Don't Feed the Animals?

Better yet - don't let them feed themselves. Liv usually does a pretty good job of feeding herself once you put the food on her spoon for her but when she's tired it's a whole different story.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tickle Monster

Aunt Benny brought Livia the cutest little book (a gift I'm stealing for all 1-year-old's b-days in the future) called "Tickle Monster". We both love it, Mommy gets to read dramatically and Livia get tickled. It's a win-win.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pool time at the lake

Livia has her own little pool at the lake (much easier to keep track of her in it than the lake). She got a little worked up.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Boat ride

This kid doesn't stand a chance when she's on the boat - she's out like a light.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

10 month birthday

Livia celebrated her 10 month birthday yesterday by standing up on her own. She just stood up, stood there for about 5 seconds with the biggest smile and then sat down. We're getting closer and closer to walking! Of course Mommy didn't get a picture so you have to imagine it while looking at pictures of her brushing her teeth after a bath.

Mommy's Birthday

Daddy, Livie and Grandma worked overtime for Mommy's b-day. Livia's godmother, Jennifer (Benny as she's known in this house) and her husband surprised us at the lake for the weekend!

Here's Liv's boat ride.