Sarah is our nanny and a little piece of heaven. I've known her since she was a little girl when I used to nanny for her cousins. Every summer Sarah's grandparents would rent a cabin in the Ozarks and I went with to keep an eye on Sarah's three cousins and her younger brother. It was always kind of a long week for me but always so much fun. I think how they were just little and now the oldest is married and a teacher, the middle three are in college and one is a junior in high school. That made me feel really old.
Sarah is a journalism major at KU and is in a photography class. Sarah had these posted on her blog along with a write-up of how much she loves taking care of Livie. I can't lie, it made me tear up a bit. Livia is lucky to have such a smart, funny and caring nanny. Mommy and Daddy are really lucky too :)
YAY! You posted again :) Very cute.