Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
New stats

Livia had her 9 month check-up today. She is 28.5 inches long (78%) and 19 pounds, 6 onces (58%). After a great check-up and three shots we were on our way.
Livia is such a great sleeper - she goes down around 7:45 now and sleeps until at least 8 in the morning. It's awesome since Mommy's not a morning person. She babbles all the time now and mostly says mama and baba. She's a fruit freak, she loves blueberries, mangos, pears and bananas; she really loves to squish them with her baby fists of fury. She'll eat chicken now but she's still iffy on vegetables so we're going to have to trick her into eating them. We're trying a sippy-cup but she just chews on them so we'll keep working on it. She's everywhere now, cruises on the furniture and even lets go every now and then to see how long she can stand. It really won't be long before she stands up on her own. She waves, gives high 5s and is trying to snap her fingers (I don't know where she got that).
We're still doing KinderMusic and she loves it. She dances around, gets her arms flapping and just giggles. We found a program on HBO Family in January called Classical Baby and we ordered the DVDs and it's honestly the best $29.99 ever spent on Amazon.com. We can put her in her jumper while she watches her videos and get a good 20-30 minutes of quiet time. The Dance version is her favorite and her favorite dance is the Mambo where the monkeys are the band members.
We've made a few trips to the lake this summer and recently Papa and Gigi came for an afternoon for Papa's birthday. Last weekend Livia got to meet a bunch of family on the Paulsen side at Leah's wedding. She had a great time with her new buddy Cousin Emma and had a blast at the reception because she likes to watch the bigger kids run around. These are some pictures that Aunt Leslie and Gigi took because Mommy and Daddy have really fallen down on taking pictures lately.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Livia got to see a real life quack-quack family this evening at the lake. Grandma was getting her out of the bath when I noticed a daddy, mommy and 8 baby ducks walk down the sidewalk like they owned the place. It was really cute. Our neighbor, Reggie, was feeding them so they hung around for awhile. Livia really wanted to get a hold of them. After a bit 5 or 6 more grown-up boy ducks came and starting bothering the mommy so she took her little ducklings to the lake. They were so cute and tiny! Hopefully we'll see more of them this weekend.
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