Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Little Water Baby
Livia is having so much fun at water aerobics. Last weekend Daddy and Papa went to watch; the water was freezing (some kid got sick in the pool so they had to drain it and refill it - 2nd time since we started class about a month ago) and there was a sub teacher who had no idea what was going on but we stuck it out for a bit. Liv also got very brave, decided to face plant in the water and tried to do it a few more times but Mommy didn't think it was a very good idea at this point although it was really funny. Notice how we coordinate our cover-up and swimsuit?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sippy Cup
Mommy and Daddy are all about limiting the number of transitions we do. Livia only gets one, maybe two or three, bottles most weeks but when she does get them she really wants to do it herself. We thought maybe we'd just move straight into the sippy cup. Mommy tried it after she'd already eaten most of her dinner with just an ounce of milk. Liv did pretty well once she tipped it up high enough. We'll keep trying it.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Pool Hat
When Mommy bought Livia's whale swimsuit in January she also picked up the cute matching hat. It wasn't until Mommy was doing a size/season clothes switch did she realize that she bought it 0-3 months: obviously WAY too small. By the time Mommy took it back four months later they didn't have any whale hats left so she tried to find a nice white one. Well, after three stores she found a cute white one, bought it and got it home to put it on Liv and realized it was 12-24 months. The third time's a charm and we got the 6-12 month hat. You know it's bad when the sales lady laughs at you because the receipt's paper trail shows her that it was your third trip in for one silly hat.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Swim Class
For the past month Mommy and Livia have been taking Mommy and Me water aerobics. We were nervous at first since Livia doesn't enjoy bath time but she loves the water; she splashes around and she likes to look at the other kids too. It's been a great way for us to meet some new friends (I would say about half of the boys in the class are named Liam) and it really is a good workout for Mommy; the only downside is that it's from 10:15-10:45 on Saturday mornings: right in the middle of nap time and the Farmer's Market. Oh well, she sleeps really hard when we're done. This is just one of our swim outfits.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Pea Drama
In our efforts to get Livia up to 50% solids in her daily diet we started vegetables. It was recommended to us that we introduce them first to let her get the taste of veggies before fruits since just about everyone loves fruit. Monday at noon we finished up the jar of pears with no problem. For her 4:00 feeding Sarah gave her cereal and then we started some peas. Livie made the funniest face but she usually makes a funny face when you switch her from cereal to her fruit or vegetable. The second bite she pushed the peas back out of her mouth with her tongue. The third bite she made herself gag. I decided she was done with peas but that we'd try it again on Tuesday (they want them to eat the same solid for 3-4 days in a row when it's first introduced to make sure there isn't an allergy). Bobi tried to feed her peas at noon again but she once again gagged herself. We won't try peas for a very long time. On a happy solids note she does like sweet potatoes.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Daddy - Livie Day of Fun

Daddy was out of town for a few days and Mommy needed a break (in a big way) so Livie and Daddy had a day of fun while Mommy went shopping (real shopping), sans Liv, for the first time since September. They took a nice long walk, played in the exersaucer and tried a sippy cup - which we'll have to work on. Mommy had fun having lunch with Copeland (who's due any second with her second daughter) and shopping but I did miss my Prankster.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Coockoo for Sesame Street
If you don't have small children you may ask, "Oh, is that show still on?" It is and even some of the people who were on it when I was little are still on it. Livia LOVES Sesame Street! She really likes Murray and Elmo; if she's fussing she usually stops and smiles if you sing Elmo's song and add her to the lyrics: "Elmo loves his goldfish, his Livie (instead of crayon) too." This is how we watch our dear Sesame Street while Mommy is usually cleaning up the kitchen and having a bowl of cereal. FYI - the seat does rotate 360 degrees and she does it to play with the stuff on it but not to watch TV - she's a funny little lady.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Busy two days - Part 2
Livia had her six month check-up on Thursday and got a clean bill of health. The biggest surprise is that we need to bump up solids to 50% of her daily food intake. Yikes! Meal times won't be so quick and easy anymore. We'll ease her into it and see how she does. Luckily the kid has yet to turn down a meal in any form.
She is now 26.5 inches long (77%) and 16 pounds 12 ounces (67%); I guessed 27 inches and 17 pounds. She was very brave for her shots and took a nap on the way home. After her afternoon feeding we went down to Mass to enjoy the nice weather and do some shopping; except for a brief fussy period in BabyGap she did a great job after her shots.
Some pictures in her new jammies (thanks Mark and Sally!) and just hanging out and playing.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Busy two days - Part 1
We've had a very busy two days. Wednesday Livia had KinderMusic in the morning. Bobi went with us, we had a lot of fun and she was able to take some pictures. We did a few new things such as swinging in the blanket; two mommies held one end a blanket, fashioned it into a hammock while everyone took a turn and we sang a little song with it. Everyone giggled when it was Livia's turn because this is how she lays on her back now to rest and sleep.
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