Sunday, November 22, 2009

A bunch of firsts

Over the past couple of weeks Livia has had a bunch of firsts - her first real smiles, her first real bath and her first bottle. Her smiles are so sweet but of course disappear as soon as I find the camera. She did NOT enjoy her first bath (doesn't she look scared in the pictures?) but each one gets a little easier and Mommy gets a little faster; hopefully soon she'll get to the point where she'll like to hang out and splash around a little bit. Liv does very well with the bottle and could set some sort of record for quickest to eat 4 ounces. Another first that wasn't so great was her first "sick" visit to the doctor where he decided she has reflux; she takes medicine three times a day and now sleeps sitting up in her carrier. She's getting better and we're learning new tricks everyday to try to help her tummy.

She has two loves at the moment: a baby mirror and the ceiling fan. At Dr. Riordan's she couldn't get enough of that cute little girl looking back at her in the mirror so we got one for the car that we set up in the living room for now since she's not in her crib yet. She really gets those arms and legs going while she's telling that other baby stories. She also would sit and stare at the ceiling fan for hours if we would let her. Bobi (Grandma Sheila) calls it her round-and-round.

This week we take our first roadtrip to Junction City and then to Iowa for the holiday. We're hoping and praying for a lot of Livie sleep in the car! Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 2, 2009

First Halloween

Livia's first Halloween passed by uneventfully, she didn't even stir when kids came to the door. She didn't have a costume (it's all we can do to keep her in regular clothes without something coming out of one end all over it!) but she had a festive top and socks.

Not to jinx ourselves but she's doing very well on what loosely resembles a schedule; after re-reading the sleeping chapter in the book several times and reading it aloud to Liv we decided to let her cry it out last night when we put her to bed. She did much better than I thought she would but I hope she adjusts quickly because I hated sitting there listening to her cry. During the day she eats, plays for a bit and then takes a nap before we do it all again. She's even gotten to the point where she usually wakes herself up and she's just as happy as she can be when she wakes up. She still screams when she's having her diaper changed and her sponge bath - I like to think it's her modesty.