Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Latest Doctor's Appointment

Livia got a glowing health report last week at her latest check-up. She weighed 10 pounds, 12 ounces - yes, she's that big already (she's already in 3-6 month stuff in some brands). We changed her medicine for her reflux and it seems to be helping her. Dr. Riordan also told me she has colic; I told him, oh no, she doesn't cry and scream for hours on end (although sometimes it seems like it) and he said that's not necessarily what colic is. They say they grow out of colic between three and four months so at least we're halfway there. She just wants to eat for hours on end in the late evening but it's gotten better the last couple of nights. There were no shots this last visit but there will be next time; I was kind of disappointed because I was mentally prepared and now I'm just dreading it for another couple of weeks. Oh well, I guess a shot is better than whooping cough!
I'm getting better at capturing a smile on camera but Grandpa Putnam is right, digital cameras are too slow!

Four Generations

Livia is the beginning of a new generation on my mom's side of the family. Here's a pic with the four of us. The other picture is one from her photo shoot, don't tell them I stole the image!

New Developments

Livia rolled over for the first time last week - she went from her tummy to her back. I think it was an accident but don't tell her. She's turned into quite the talker and she really gets going on her Baby Einstein ocean mat. She tells all kinds of stories to her little octopus friend, Inky, who hangs from the top of the mat. Liv's getting really good at tummy time, she pushes herself up and looks around, especially at the baby in the mirror. If crawling backward ever becomes a developmental milestone she will be a pioneer; she is always scooting herself off the blanket or mat. Her new favorite book is "Guess How Much I Love You" and Mommy has to admit she gets a little teary everytime she reads it to Livie.

We had pictures taken a few weeks ago that turned out really well and we only had one minor meltdown; surprisingly enough the best pictures came after the meltdown so I'm glad I was a stage mom and made her keep going.


Big first Thanksgiving for Livia. We went to Junction City and she got to meet her cousins and Uncle Mike. Reece walked into Bobi's house (Grandma Sheila) and handed Livie his blue Linus blanket and Carson gave her a kiss on the head. At Papa and GiGi's Thanksgiving Carson would take a time-out from playing with the other kids to check on Livie. She's such a lucky girl to have nice cousins to look out for her.

After a few days in JC Mommy and Livie did their first girl's trip to Iowa for a few days. She met all kinds of characters at the Putnam/Reed Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner. Luckily she's a great traveler and Mommy has curbed her water drinking before the trip so Liv has yet to be dragged into a dirty public bathroom on I-29.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A bunch of firsts

Over the past couple of weeks Livia has had a bunch of firsts - her first real smiles, her first real bath and her first bottle. Her smiles are so sweet but of course disappear as soon as I find the camera. She did NOT enjoy her first bath (doesn't she look scared in the pictures?) but each one gets a little easier and Mommy gets a little faster; hopefully soon she'll get to the point where she'll like to hang out and splash around a little bit. Liv does very well with the bottle and could set some sort of record for quickest to eat 4 ounces. Another first that wasn't so great was her first "sick" visit to the doctor where he decided she has reflux; she takes medicine three times a day and now sleeps sitting up in her carrier. She's getting better and we're learning new tricks everyday to try to help her tummy.

She has two loves at the moment: a baby mirror and the ceiling fan. At Dr. Riordan's she couldn't get enough of that cute little girl looking back at her in the mirror so we got one for the car that we set up in the living room for now since she's not in her crib yet. She really gets those arms and legs going while she's telling that other baby stories. She also would sit and stare at the ceiling fan for hours if we would let her. Bobi (Grandma Sheila) calls it her round-and-round.

This week we take our first roadtrip to Junction City and then to Iowa for the holiday. We're hoping and praying for a lot of Livie sleep in the car! Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 2, 2009

First Halloween

Livia's first Halloween passed by uneventfully, she didn't even stir when kids came to the door. She didn't have a costume (it's all we can do to keep her in regular clothes without something coming out of one end all over it!) but she had a festive top and socks.

Not to jinx ourselves but she's doing very well on what loosely resembles a schedule; after re-reading the sleeping chapter in the book several times and reading it aloud to Liv we decided to let her cry it out last night when we put her to bed. She did much better than I thought she would but I hope she adjusts quickly because I hated sitting there listening to her cry. During the day she eats, plays for a bit and then takes a nap before we do it all again. She's even gotten to the point where she usually wakes herself up and she's just as happy as she can be when she wakes up. She still screams when she's having her diaper changed and her sponge bath - I like to think it's her modesty.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

More visitors

Livia got a visit from friends from down south when Jeannie, Brandi and Kenzie stopped by. We wish Darrin and Peyton were with them. Uncle Zach also came to visit Liv earlier this week and he'll be back soon for the Nebraska game to see her some more. Aunt Leslie was down for the OU game; it's a good thing Livia has a ton of KU outfits because we're still trying to find the lucky one for our Jayhawks.

2 Week Check-up

Monday we had our two week check-up with Dr. Riordan. She gained 13 ounces in one week so I will no longer worry that she's not getting enough to eat. She's perfectly healthy and her only complaint is gas. She's grown and changed so much! She's quite the drama queen when she gets upset but she comes by that honestly - she already shakes her head no at us so maybe it's a reflex and not a learned skill...We thought her hair would get lighter but I don't think it will now but we're pretty sure her eyes will stay blue.

Someone else's toys are always better

I always laugh when our friend's kids come over and they spend more time playing with the cat toys than the cats do so I guess this is a fair trade.

Friday, October 23, 2009

What we've learned so far

We've learned that Liv is an eater - she's already too long for the outfit we brought her home in. We've also learned that stores love to make clothes for little girls that talk about how much they love Daddy. The cats are quickly learning they're no longer at the top of the heap but somehow a boppy seems to make it easier to swallow that pill.

Livie is the First

Livia is the first granddaughter on the Roesler side of the family. Here she is with Proud Daddy and Papa Steve at the hospital. We can't believe how much she's already changed.

False Advertising

This is such a cute shirt but it's SO not true!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One of our gifts from Aunt Benny

This really sums up a day we had earlier this week. Thankfully we haven't had one like that since.

First day on our own

Today is our first day without Grandparents to pass her off when Mommy needs a nap. Grandma and Grandpa Putnam were here for a few days and Papa and GG were here last night for dinner. Luckily our little angel is napping nicely in her little bed.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

First KU Football Game

Livia's first KU football game was a bummer - she was the only one in crimson and blue ready to go tonight.

A few pics from the first days at home. We've had a visit from Grandma Sheila, Great-Grandma Paulsen, Grandma and Grandpa Putnam and Uncle Tyler since we've been home.